Being Disconnected From Our True Selves
We don’t come out of the womb thinking negatively about ourselves or others. We aren’t born talking ourselves out of our true needs and wants. We take in the world, exploring, using our senses, and seeking to find the moments that mean something to us.
As we grow up, we become like Velcro, and stuff starts sticking to us. Often times, it might be other people’s stuff—their judgments, opinions, behavior, dictations about “rights and wrongs” and “this is how you should think, feel and act,” regardless if it’s in alignment with our true selves.
It creates layers upon layers, burying our true selves. It can create a labyrinth of faulty analysis and decision making as we try to connect the outside world to our inside selves.
We can start to change by becoming aware of when we are not in the driver’s seat of our own life.
If we find ourselves back in Velcro mode, we can remind ourselves that we don’t need Velcro anymore to figure out who we are, what we think or how we feel.
It’s okay if we don’t know how we feel in the moment. It doesn’t mean we need to rush or force a decision. It doesn’t mean someone else should solve it for us.
We can take the time we need to discover what’s true for us, and getting into an inspired moment can get us out of our heads and into our hearts.
Want more inspiration? Happiness is Overrated - Live the Inspired Life is your friend along your journey to living your happiest life through inspiration!