Choosing Happiness is Hard, but Choosing Inspiration is Easy

by Happiness vs. Inspiration, Inspiration is Easy


It’s hard to choose happiness


It’s easy to get inspired

When I hear the “happiness is a choice” being shouted from the mountain tops, I just end wanting to shout back, “what about the rest of us down here?”

I wish I could live by this mantra and just “choose” happiness, but I haven’t figured out how to flip that happiness switch that easily. And while the fake it ’til you make it can sometimes be beneficial, like when overcoming irrational fears, I more often feel that it’s important to honor when I’m sad, frustrated, and less than happy.

That’s when I turn to inspiration. We can generally feel unhappy and still get inspired. If we are going through a tough time, we don’t have to rush through that healing process, but instead collect and indulge in inspired moments to bring us energy and a reprieve from what’s challenging us without having to deny what’s challenging us.

I can’t personally choose to be happy, but I can always choose to dive into an inspired moment. Sometimes that means wearing more color (no additional time spent there!) or sometimes I want to spend an hour or two fixing up a beautiful plate of food and working on my photography skills.

Let’s skip the self-judgment about what’s wrong with us  because we can’t just “choose happiness” and choose to get inspired instead!

Happiness Example: I want to be happy. I’m just going to choose happiness! Hmm… I don’t feel any happier… What am I supposed to do?

Inspired Example: I’m going to get inspired right now by taking a five minute break to enjoy something delicious.

Want more inspiration? Happiness is Overrated - Live the Inspired Life is your friend along your journey to living your happiest life through inspiration!

This is part a 19 part series about the fundamental differences between the happiness we've come to know, expect and accept and inspiration. Understanding these differences allows us to better choose inspiration as a tool to experience the true happiness we all desire and deserve.