Be Immune to Adversity: Believe in Yourself, Share Freely and Adopt the Abundance Attitude
Inspiration is immune to adversity. When we are inspired by an activity, we are insatiably compelled to pursue it.
We don’t do it to make millions of dollars, but we have a better shot at making millions because we are inherently invested and insatiably naturally curious about what we are doing. This curiosity and inspired fuel becomes a torpedo, propelling us toward fulfillment and success.
We believe deep down that what we are doing is “right” for us. We know there’s a chance we may not experience the exact success we imagine, but we know we are in pure alignment with our true selves.
When we are this inspired and compelled to do what we are doing, approval from others becomes irrelevant. Not needing approval, we can securely accept feedback or constructive criticism and choose which aspects challenge us to elevate. We can build an environment with colleagues, employees and friends where they know we welcome feedback to create the fastest opportunity to pivot toward success. We can welcome and list to feedback without every comment derailing our dreams.
Give your best “stuff” away for free. This could be content/product/program, etc [CPP]. This was one of the most confounding and difficult concepts for me to adopt, but it has now become a tenant of how I serve my community (which ends up serving my businesses).
When we create CPP or anything that originated from our true self and feels proprietary, we want to keep it close to ourselves. It’s so important and powerful that we expect that others will know it and purchase it (or work with us) because we believe it is irrefutably compelling. If we told them all about it and showed them the ins and outs of how it worked, then there’d be nothing left to buy! But this is a false assumption on two levels: 1) No one cares as much about your CPP as you do, and 2) They don’t understand what your CPP is, does or how it can help them.
- No one cares as much about your CPP as you do. Not even close. While most of your Facebook friends likely have genuine care for you and want you to be successful, sharing it on their social media is last on their priority list.
- No one understands what your CPP is, does or how it can help them. So you made a website. How many people have visited and how long did they stay on the site? But you post about it on Facebook all the time! Only a fraction of Facebook friends see your posts. and if you’re in a business-owner bubble, immersed in love and time with your CPP, you likely were posting from a place that was about you or your CPP and not targeted at your end user. Your friends may not be your end users. Generic content doesn’t connect with or compel anyone.
So what do you need to do? Let them try it. Let them get a preview or a sample.
It’s similar to the difference between writing a book or movie script vs. a blog post. With a book or movie, you want to build suspense and save the big A-HA for the end! Isn’t it enjoyable to experience the anticipation? It sure is, when you have a captive audience that paid to see their favorite actor on screen for two hours. For your Facebook network, blog writing and new CPP launch, it’s reversed. Start with the A-HA, and work your way down to the why, what and how.
In the world of TLDR; (too long, didn’t read), we have to earn business and trust in the first line, moment or interaction. No one has time for our drawn out, anticipation-building content. Give the what they need to know now, grab their attention in the very beginning, and let them opt-in for more because that first bite was so delicious!
We can adopt the abundance attitude when we’re more compelled to continue than we are afraid of failure. We can take necessary risks and invest in ourselves or our business. We can set our energy to abundance instead of restriction, letting opportunities flow and being fearless to put our whole heart into our venture.
Believe in yourself and your ability to pursue your dreams, try new things, or take the next step. As Wayne Gretsky references, “we miss 100% of the shots we don’t take.” The more shots we take, the better our odds are to win. Pursue your professional and personal goals fearlessly. “Shoot for the moon and if you miss you will still be among the stars.” – Les Brown.
Following your dreams can be isolating and discouraging. When you’re putting in extra hours, being vulnerable with what’s most important to you without the security of a paycheck, and facing set backs and tough learned lessons, it’s easy to feel scared and doubtful.
When I feel overwhelmed about the risks I take to build a business, I remember that EVERY PERSON WHO HAS ACHIEVED WHAT I AM WORKING TO ACHIEVE STARTED WHERE I AM RIGHT NOW. No one attracts 1,000,000 followers over night. No new venture starts with a full book of business. Over-night successes are never actually over-night. They might take months, years or decades to finally hit a sweet spot that propels them to the next level.
We do not face any challenges that others have not faced and overcame to accomplish the same goal. If others can do it, so can we.
Want it, believe it and be it!
Want more inspiration? Happiness is Overrated - Live the Inspired Life is your friend along your journey to living your happiest life through inspiration!