I offer powerful coaching options for executives, business owners and leaders at every level.

In addition to a modern coaching approach to enhancing your leadership skills, I am also a certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming personal changework coach, which means I can help you change how you experience stress and triggers in the workplace and change your experience working with challenging tasks and people.

These changes are immediate and lasting, creating the most powerful and empowering results I’ve personally experienced by far in my diverse personal growth journey.

When we work together, you have a choice between traditional coaching or NLP approach, whichever is most supportive of your objectives.

“Elaina’s ability to bring clarity to challenging issues is impressive. She asks the right questions that open the door to new ideas and possibilities. She balances professionalism with a warm demeanor that makes it easy to trust her. Her insight is consistently spot on, and she is a talented coach that will surely have you and your employees feeling more empowered, engaged and fulfilled.”

David Scott

President and CEO, Scott Technology Group


Being a manager and leader is filled with daily challenges. Being responsible for inspiring employees when faced with the energy needed to encourage, assert, provide difficult feedback or give someone slack can be exhausting! Not to mention, you probably have deliverable responsibilities outside of your leadership responsibilities.

I can support you in:

  • Advancing your personal impact with your team for optimal morale and production
  • Setting expectations to help you and your employees have clarity and accountability
  • Assertive, respectful and effective communication
  • Courageous and compassionate conflict management
  • Managing your own expectations and efficiencies about what you can take on in day’s work



You might need to change your mindset or change your job. I can help empower you to move forward toward a happier work life. Our work together might include:

  • Helping you re-discover inspiration threads in your current job and
  • Shifting compounded negative thoughts that have taken over your attitude toward your alarm every morning
  • Evaluating a next step for you: identifying where you can find the greatest fulfillment, what to look for and what role you can play in bringing your best to work
  • Supporting new or current entrepreneurial adventures that are in alignment with what inspires you



Within one Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) coaching session, you can experience a major shift of getting access to experiences, feelings and goals you want, but for some reason haven’t experienced yet.

Changes are typically immediate, experienced in one session, and lasting, until you decide you’d like something different.

Great prompts for NLP personal coaching include:

  • Unmet Goals and Desires: I want something (experience, feeling, relationships, financial goals, anything) that I don’t have (or it’s not the way I want it).
  • Clarity: Part of me wants this, but something stops me. Or part of me wants this and part of me wants that.
  • Phobias: NLP work can cure phobias, often in one session.
  • Confidence, Resourcefulness: If you’d like to show up differently in certain circumstances or with certain people, NLP can help unlock resources when, how and where you want them to show up or feel differently.
  • Healing: NLP is a powerful healer if you’re carrying around un-healed anger, resentment, sadness, fear or an un-met need for love and acceptance.

Learn more about Elaina’s transformative NLP change-work coaching.

And if you’re looking to inspire accountability in your workplace, be sure to check out my company page at www.inspiringaccountability.com.


“Working with Elaina has been extremely beneficial to me in both a personal and professional way. 

She brings a sense of acceptance where I immediately felt comfortable opening up to her about my feelings, struggles, and worries regarding my professional life. 

Elaina always took my challenges in the workplace and went with a positive solution-based approached, never making me feel like I was being judged for my deficits. 

I loved that I could bring actual situations to her and she would guide me on how I could have taken different approaches with my employees to gain better results both with them emotionally and in productivity.  

We problem solved challenges together to pin point the best approach in my actual situations, which made the training me useful than ever imagined.

Elaina is full of knowledge, experiences, and insights while being kind, compassionate and empathetic at the same time. 

Learning from Elaina exceeded all of my expectations. She goes above and beyond what other coaches and trainings provide. I got more out of my sessions than I ever thought possible.

If you are a supervisor/manager looking for a ways to bring harmony to your employees, want to leave work each day proud of the support you offer to your employees, and are striving to build a workplace environment and culture where people are proud of their jobs I encourage you to you seek Elaina’s help.”

Manager, County of Sonoma

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