“As humans, we desperately want to be happy. We need to be happy. We pursue happiness, chase happiness, and force happiness. We worry about our happiness, we put happiness on a pedestal, we make happiness dependent on events that may occur i the future, and we hold ourselves hostage from happiness until we reach a goal.
We know we want happiness, but the path to it is elusive, and the preservation of it is a promise that often can’t be fulfilled. There are unhappy side effects of the happiness we’ve come to know, expect and accept. The system is flawed.
“Let’s redefine what we’re really after-that feeling of unshakable fulfillment, joy, being present, and being connected to our truest selves. The quickest way to get here is not by ambling and obsessing about the limited pursuit of happiness, but by the immediate and actionable pursuit to be inspired.” Excerpt from Happiness is Overrated – Live the Inspired Life Instead
True happiness can be rooted only in our true selves, which is from where inspiration is inherently required to originate. If we want to experience true happiness, we have to stop pursuing elusive happiness and instead seek true inspired happiness, rooted in filling our lives with what inspires us.
The best part about this true happiness is that it’s easy to get inspired. Check out the benefits of inspiration vs. happiness, and arm yourself with awareness next time you need a pick me up!
Want more inspiration? Happiness is Overrated - Live the Inspired Life is your friend along your journey to living your happiest life through inspiration!