Stagnant Negative Energy vs. Recharging Positive Energy

by Happiness vs. Inspiration, Inspiration Creates Positive & Recharging Energy


No release or change in stored negative energy


Cleansing, replacing stored negative energy

The pursuit of happiness often seeks to ignore stored stagnant, negative energy, while inspiration elicits a positive energy flow powerful enough to cleanse stagnation and replacing dormant negative energy.

Inspired activities that include movement, whether trail running or moving around the kitchen cooking, create maximum benefit, literally getting an energy flow going, cleansing out the old and replacing with the new.

Breaks sought through happiness don’t help exchange negative energy for positive refueling energyBreaks spent participating in energy-avoidance activities do not compound to become recharging because they don’t replace or create positive energy. If we store stress, negative energy, or too much stimulus that is not in connection to our true selves, negative energy doesn’t truly dissipate by taking a break. We have to move that energy. We have to replace that energy.

How do you get the maximum positive energy benefit from inspiration? Allow yourself to be completely present and appreciative of your inspiring moments. Soak in and enjoy every molecular detail of the moment. Let inspiration flow through you, and perhaps it will release some of what’s blocking you from your true self. The more energy you bring to yourself through being inspired, the more negative energy you can release. The more effort you apply towards making decisions that are best for you, the more you will connect, discover and empower your true self.

How do we use inspiration to break habits? I bit my nails until I was 16. I hated this habit and used inspiration to help me break it. I turned the nervous energy I put into biting my nails into inspired energy. I started painting my nails fun colors. I did fun designs. I painted different Christmas scenes with toothpicks on each nail during the holidays. I loved getting creative with my nails and taking care of them.

Being inspired is a form of authentic positive energy and emotion felt immediately as we indulge in and celebrate what we love and enjoy about life. Recharge and refuel your life with inspiration’s positive energy!



Happiness Example: May day was so stressful. What will make me happy? I’ll just zone out and catch up on my DVR. Then I’ll go to bed and wake up with the same stagnant energy that I’m carrying around from my work day.

Inspired Example: My day was so stress. What will make me inspired? I think I’ll go on a walk and then make that new recipe. It’s so nice to be outside! Yummmm, this meal smells delicious! Ooooh, and I’ll have leftovers for lunch tomorrow. That will be a great part of my day!

Want more inspiration? Happiness is Overrated - Live the Inspired Life is your friend along your journey to living your happiest life through inspiration!

This is part a 19 part series about the fundamental differences between the happiness we've come to know, expect and accept and inspiration. Understanding these differences allows us to better choose inspiration as a tool to experience the true happiness we all desire and deserve.